What I Am Reading:
Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results
Rationality is wasted if you don't know when to use it. What I've learned from watching real people in action is that, just like the angry CEO, they're often unaware circumstances are thinking for them. It's as if we expect the inner voice in our head to say, "STOP! THIS IS A MOMENT WHEN YOU NEED TO THINK!" And because we don't know we should be thinking, we cede control to our impulses. In the space between stimulus and response, one of two things can happen. You can consciously pause and apply reason to the situation. Or you can cede control and execute a default behavior.
Why a Failed Startup Might Be Good for Your Career After All
Go ahead and launch that venture. Even if it fails, the experience you gain will likely earn you a job that's more senior than those of your peers, says research by Paul Gompers.
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What I Am Reading:
Scientists are using AI to dream up revolutionary new proteins
“Huge advances in artificial intelligence mean researchers can design completely original molecules in seconds instead of months.”
The Crypto Story
“What follows is his brilliant explanation of what this maddening, often absurd, and always fascinating technology means, and where it might go.”
How to complete an impossible challenge
“There’s no need to hide under the bed covers – with the GOD principle you’ll be able to achieve your goals, big or small”
What I Am Reading
Why Start-ups Fail
Most start-ups don’t succeed: More than two-thirds of them never deliver a positive return to investors. But why do so many end disappointingly? That question hit me with full force several years ago when I realized I couldn’t answer it.
The Tail End
What I’ve been thinking about is a really important part of life that, unlike all of these examples, isn’t spread out evenly through time—something whose [already done / still to come] ratio doesn’t at all align with how far I am through life: Relationships.
Curiosity Is the Secret to a Happy Life
What exactly does it mean to be curious? “If you go by the typical dictionary definition, curiosity is simply a desire to seek out new knowledge or experiences,” Kashdan says. While this definition is a useful starting point, he says curiosity also involves a willingness to engage with complex, unfamiliar, and challenging concepts or endeavors.
What I Am Reading:
Comfort Is The Silent Killer Of Your Happiness
My motto is to always make myself uncomfortable. This article explains why a lot more eloquently than I ever have been able to. Things you’ll learn:The Nasty Things Comfort Does To UsYou’re Robbing Your Kids Of What They Need Most
Against Busyness and Surfaces: Emerson on Living with Presence and Authenticity
Two millennia after Seneca admonished against how living with haste and expectancy constricts our lives and more than half a century before Hermann Hesse made his case for the most important habit in living with presence, Emerson writes:
“Life goes headlong. Each of us is always to be found hurrying headlong in the chase of some fact, hunted by some fear or command behind us. Suddenly we meet a friend. We pause. Our hurry & embarrassment look ridiculous. Now pause, now possession is required, and the power to swell the moment from the resources of our own heart until it supersedes sun & moon & solar system in its expanding immensity. The moment is all, in all noble relations.”
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Check out what I’ve been reading and listening to that has helped me navigate through these crazy and unprecedented times. From remaining unemotional during tough decision making in this economic whirlwind, to adapting in Quarantine isolation while still staying happily married, sane, and productive, to new ways of rejuvenating my immune system in a time when immunity is extra important. These resources helped me keep perspective, stay motivated and bring a lot of benefit and positivity into my life during the otherwise devastating crisis of COVID-19.
What I Am Reading:
The Three Equations for a Happy Life, Even During a Pandemic
The point of everything you do is ultimately for you and yours to be happy. If you can figure out how to be happy during lockdown then imagine how happy you will be once things start to open up again!
Standing on the Shoulders of Solitude: Newton, the Plague, and How Quarantine Fomented the Greatest Leap in Science
How are you spending your time in quarantine? Seems like Newton was able to accept his situation and make the best of it by using that downtime to come up with his most brilliant theorems. Stop watching Netflix and get to work on your next business venture, the book you always wanted to write, or the course you’ve always wanted to take.
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