Viewing entries tagged
Donald Hoffman

June 2020 Roundup: What I am Reading, Watching, Listening to and Buying

June 2020 Roundup: What I am Reading, Watching, Listening to and Buying

What I Am Reading:

The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes by Donald Hoffman

A few months ago I wrote about Donald Hoffman’s Interview on Sam Harris’ PODCast. I had watched his TED Talk and was fascinated by his Interface Theory of Perception. Well now he’s written a book about how Darwinian Natural Selection has actually not selected for us to perceive objective reality as it truly is, but rather has shaped our perceptions as an interface that abstracts away the complexities of whatever the objective reality is. Instead of perceiving the true nature of reality, we perceive everything as icons that give us cues about fitness payoffs in our interface. I’ve drank the kool aid on this one. This book will 🤯.

The Playing Field - Graham Duncan’s Blog

During these uncertain financial times, fear reigns on the markets and investors. This article gave me some great insights on how I should be thinking and acting by breaking down the different levels of investors from the Apprentice to the Expert to the Professional and finally, to the Master. Get to know what it takes to up your investing game and act accordingly.

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